Soft Skills That Every Employee Should Know

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Our Blog

In workplaces, there are two types of skills. Hard skills are teachable actions that could be defined and measured. Examples of this are using certain software, arithmetic, and accounting. Soft skills are traits or qualities that make someone a good employee or team member. Both are important to make one a good employee or team member.

Self Awareness – Employees need to know who they are and be comfortable. This helps employees understand a working relationship with others.

Communication – Whether through email, texting, social media, etc., the message must be communicated correctly and via the right medium.

Listening (and accepting feedback) – Sometimes focusing improves our listening skills. When receiving feedback, trying to multi-task at the time is not always appropriate.

Networking – Not just for finding a new job, networking can take place internally and externally. Effective networking takes good communication and listening skills.

Collaboration and teamwork – Working with others is important when the project calls for it. We must be able to communicate effectively when working in a group to ensure the team is successful.

Meeting management – Although they may often be boring, they are necessary. Managing meetings well and contributing valuable information is essential.

Conflict resolution – Managers do not want to be a referee in the workplace. Employees must be able to resolve their own conflicts.

Problem solving – Employees are expected to share their thoughts on how to solve problems. Even if the idea is not put into place, it is likely a conversation starter.

Stress management – Employees must be able to manage their own stress when it comes to work/life balance. Understanding what brings on the stress and how to alleviate it within the normal  business day is key.

Time management – Controlling time is one way to control stress. By effectively managing time, it can have a huge impact on productivity.