Are You Ready for EEO Reporting?

by | Sep 17, 2013 | General

EEO-1 Workforce Survey due September 30th!

 Have you submitted required information on the race, ethnicity, gender and job categories of your employees? The deadline for filing employment data on workers to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is fast approaching on September 30th. Employers should have received a survey notification letter of this annual requirement. However, failing to receive the EEOC survey letter does not eliminate the legal requirement to file the EEO-1 by the deadline. Employers are required to file the EEO-1 if you employ 100+ employees or you are a federal government contractor or first-tier subcontractor with 50+ employees and a contract or subcontract of $50,000+. If you are unsure if this is required for your company or you are not ready to file this information on all of your employees, please contact Alternative HR for assistance.