Parental Leave Enacted in Maryland

The newly updated act will become effective October 1, 2014, and applies to Maryland employers with 15 to 49 employees.  The act allows eligible employees to use up to six weeks of unpaid leave in any 12-month period for the birth of a child or even placement with the...

Do employees dislike Human Resources?

The answer to this question is unfortunately, yes.  A recent poll has stated that more the 70% of employees think that HR is just a pawn for management.  Almost 20% of the workforce believes that HR will stick up for what is right.  And only a little over 5% feel that...

Companies often misusing employee incentive programs

When used correctly, employee incentives can have a greatly positive impact on the workforce, increasing motivation and productivity as well as allowing workers to be rewarded for what they achieve. However, often times employers misuse incentives, resulting in more...