Workplace Gift Giving Tips

by | Dec 15, 2015 | Our Blog

workplace gift giving rulesMany of us plan to give a holiday gift to business associates this year. But there are some who are still baffled about the etiquette associated with workplace gift-giving. When done correctly, giving appropriate gifts to co-works can create a more amicable working environment.

Follow these tips for avoiding an awkward workplace holiday:

Set rules

Mandate that all gifts be new and in their original packaging. Set a spending limit, so no one feels they spend too much or too little. Prohibit gifts that are too personal (such as clothing, bedding, etc.).

Remain secular

Religious items should be avoided when considering gifts for a coworkers. The same thing goes for items that have political overtones.

Don’t insult their hygiene

Giving a bottle of cologne or perfume to a coworker at a company holiday gathering may imply that you think they smell bad. Although all of us need soap, deodorant, toothpaste, body wash and other personal hygiene products, these items are way too personal and risky to buy for a coworker. Same thing goes for makeup

Crowd pleasing gifts

For those in Secret Santa-type gift exchanges, the more neutral and universal the gift, the better. Gas cards are something everyone needs. A bag of gourmet chocolates would also be appropriate. Think of universal gifts such as holiday plants, movie tickets, coffee mugs, gift cards, which are typically well received by everyone.