Philadelphia Bans E-Cigarrete Use In the Workplace

by | Jul 31, 2014 | Our Blog

Philadelphia is the latest jurisdiction to ban the use of e-cigarettes in workplaces. The legislation, signed by Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter in April, took effect on July 1, 2014. This bill applies to all public spaces outlined in the Clean Indoor Air Worker Protection Law, which includes workplaces, restaurants (including outdoor seating areas), bars and clubs, retail/wholesale stores, movie theaters, museums and performance spaces, childcare and daycare centers, schools, hospitals, and common areas of apartment buildings and hotels. In addition to limiting where people can smoke their e-cigarettes, the bill also prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to minors and includes all other electronic smoking devices such as vapor pens, e-hookahs and e-cigars.

Philadelphia city public health officials began inspecting businesses this summer and will also provide the public a system to report violations by phone and online. Those who ignore the newly enacted bill will receive a warning early on, but will be given a $300 ticket come 2015. These tickets will be given to business owners, not the e-cigarette users.