Why You Need Job Descriptions

by | Dec 29, 2015 | Employee Management, Our Blog | 0 comments

Employee documentationCompanies need to make a point to review job descriptions on an annual basis. Why you may ask?

#1 Assess Compliance with ADA:
**Reasonable Accommodation.
**Essential vs. non-essential job functions.

#2 Assess FLSA compliance for Exempt/Non-Exempt Status:
**Primary Duties.
**Exercise of discretion and independent judgment.

#3 Recruiting:
**Compliance with labor laws.
**Development of structured interview questions.
**Compare details of open job to a candidate’s experience.

#4 Training New Employees.

#5 Placement within a Wage & Salary Program.

#6 Evaluation of Performance:
**Clarity of Expectations.
**Provides an opportunity to capture “work creep.”



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